Okay mama's, the Drama Monkeys have a new game for you!
Post something nice about someone else, someone who you normally WOULDN'T do a shout out to. It has to be in the chit chat section of the June 2008 Fireflies board.
The goal is to bump down any nasty drama posts.
"But Drama Monkeys don't you love drama?" You ask.
Well heck yeah we do, but not the kind that makes a good thing go bad. Drama can be fun, REALLY fun, but as of late it has gotten stinkier than a monkey house at the zoo (DM1 knows that stink all to well, just ask her about it).
The rules:
Start a post about a fellow JFF mommy. Be genuine; tell her what you like about her, or thank her for something she has taught you at some point. Or better yet, choose someone that you think gets overlooked and try to get to know them better.
The author of the thread that is responsible for bumping down the last 'stinky' post will win a fabulous prize. Trust us, you will love it.
Furthermore, as stated, we love drama, and we intend to stick around. HOWEVER, we will be focusing on drama of YOUR choosing from now on. Please send us your letters and let us know what YOU want to talk about. Got a nasty MIL who you would really love to fling poop at? Let us know! Want to come up with a creative solution to some everyday drama. i,e, got a co-worker with stinky breath and you don't know what to do? Ask us! We're here to help.
We will also be filling the tree house with weekly games, polls, prizes, and other monkeytastic things.
Let The Posting Begin! Do us proud and get those hallmark worthy posts a flowin' ladies!