Can you give out funny advice to other Drama Mamas? Show us what you got and you might win these adorable handmade bows, from a super talented Etsy Mama! (don't have a girl? Tell your friends, or win them as a gift!) Below you will see a letter sent to us a by a reader. If you can come up with the funniest reply, you'll be our winner! You can either email us your responses or post them in the comments. If you post them in the comments please include an email address where we can reach you if you are picked as the winner! The winner will be given the email address of the Etsy seller, who will then ship you your prize! We will also publish your letter here on the blog, as the winning response and honorary monkey of the day (with corresponding blinky!) . Have fun, go bananas, and may the best Drama Mama win!
Dear Drama Monkeys,
I have a problem. I am due with my first child in April. My best friend is hosting a baby shower for me in about a month. I am really excited except for one thing. She is insisting on inviting my hudband's ex-girlfriend, who just happens to be her Sister-In-Law. I am not looking forward to the inevitable comments that will be made. All of my friends think it's funny that she is coming, and I am sure they will say something that makes us both uncomfortable. How do I handle this situation?
Yours Truly,
Expecting an Ex
Can't think of any advice today? Don't worry, this contest runs through Thursday. Check back all month for other contest opportunities! Oh, and tell your friends!
Holy monkeys, this is fun!
Dear Expecting an Ex,
ReplyDeleteI would absolutely sit down with your "best friend" and explain how you feel about this situation. In my opinion, it is your baby shower and if you aren't comfortable having your hubby's ex there, then she shouldn't be invited! Surely your "best friend" will understand.
Or, you could just buy a kick ass outfit for the day and flaunt your beautiful pregnant belly in front of the ex! A little dose of jealousy would be just right for the ex!
Good luck! Either way, you just remember that you are the one having his baby!
a fellow momma-to-be
monkey isn't so anonymous anymore...
Um, yeah, what does that prove exactly?
ReplyDeleteDear Expecting an Ex,
ReplyDeleteFirst I would tell you friend to shove it! Who wants their husband's ex at their baby shower?
If that doesn't work I Would make sure to look super sexy and flaunt that belly in front of her!
Act like her prescence doesn't bother you one bit!
You should let her come and get a shirt that says "He's my baby daddy...NOT YOURS!" and play that song "Boom I got your Boyfriend!" Im sure that will make her feel more at home! Oh! And that poopy diaper game...give her the one with the real poop and tell her its the taste one!
ReplyDeleteheee heee hooo hooo!
ReplyDeleteDear Expecting an Ex,
ReplyDeleteWhy are you being so sensitive? There is a VERY clear and easy solution to your problems. Outside of making sure you look super hot, you need to make a very special batch of Ex-Lax brownies for the shower.
Now YOU can watch the poop hit the fan! Let the poop flinging begin!
Ok, I just have to say that the advice that has already been given is pretty awesome.
ReplyDeleteDear Expecting an Ex,
ReplyDeleteI think that it's very sweet of her to want to come to your shower. In fact, I think you should get her a special gift. Go out and get one of those pictures that are composites of two people's faces done, one with her and your hubby, only have the people make the baby/person REALLY ugly. Then, give it to her and tell her you want to thank you for helping your husband see what his kids COULD have looked liked if he had stayed with her, and that it brought you guys THAT much closer together! Then just sweetly give her a piece of cake.
Laughing in Ohio
Dear Expecting Ex,
ReplyDeleteFirst I would sit down with your friend and explain pregnancy hormones to her. If she doesn't believe you, tell her to Google it. Make sure you point out that at this stage in your pregnancy you can blame EVERYTHING on the hormones.
If she still invites the unwanted Ex let her know you will NOT be paying for carpet cleaning when things get ugly.
Make sure you make lots of comments about how your baby's conception was the BEST night of sex. Then throw in a comment like "DH told me about this one girl that was like having sex with a warm glass of water." and then look embarassed and say "oh, um, never mind".
Or you could set an example for your child and take the high road. You are starting a family with the man you love, she isn't. Act gracious because what does it matter if they dated, obviously it didn't work out and let's face it, we all have a past. Tell your friends you want this to be a happy day and no snide remarks. Besides it's one more present for your baby!
Good Luck,