Great job, Raynee! Your letter made the monkeys laugh hysterically. There were several great entries, but yours walked the fine line of amusing and tasteful. (sorry Mary and Kim, those were gross, lol). Here's the winning entry, making Raynee the honorary monkey this week:
Dear Drama Monkeys,
I have a little problem. I went to work last week and a colleague commented on some spitup that I aparently had on my shoulder. Now, I knew it was there, but I thought I had cleaned it up properly and no one would see it. They proceeded to say that it was unprofessional that I would come to work with baby spitup on me. The problem is, is I only have so many outfits! If I changed everytime my son got something on me, I would have to go naked! So, my question is, What is an acceptable amount of baby bodily fluids to have on me before I have to change my outfit? Oh, and what should I say to my colleague?
Gratefully seeking help,
Spewed Upon in Oklahoma
Dear Spewed Upon in Oklahoma,
Next time your colleague comments on baby spit up ask if he or she would prefer that you wear the other bodily excretions that your little monkley makes? Spewed milk might not seem so bad if you stuck a dirty diaper in your colleague's garbage can without him knowing. Of course if you are in cubicles this would be the talk of the office but you could always start the rumor that your colleague has irritable bowel syndrome. Let the poop throwing begin!!!!!
I personally think the spit-up on the shoulder is just a new fashion statement!!!!! Wear it proudly monkey mama!!!!
So, Raynee, here is your Honorary Monkey blinky! Also, you win those adorable Sock Monkey blocks for your monklet to play with! Email DramaMonkey2@gmail.com, and she'll set you up with the vendor to get those out to you. Didn't win? Check out the vendor's etsy page at http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5146409.
Our new monkey mail contest will begin on Monday! We are always looking for letters for the contest, so need advice? Email us your letters! We'll happily get you some great Monkey Mama Advice!