
We Have A Winner! (And A Sneak Peak At Our Next Prize)!

Well it was a tough decision, but the Drama Monkeys are all in agreement. The winner of the adorable handmade bows is: BUCKMAN539!!!! And here is your blinky, honorary monkey!!

We had several monkeytastic entries, but Buckman539 was able to artfully weave poop flinging into her letter, and as everyone knows, MONKEYS LOVE POOP FLINGING!!

Buckman539 you have won two adorable handmade bows! We hope you will take a picture of them on your monklet and email it to us! (Even if your monklet is a BOY!!) HEE HEE HOO HOO!! (Email us through one of our profiles and we will arrange for you to receive your prize).

Here is the original letter with Buckman539's winning response:

Dear Drama Monkeys,

I have a problem. I am due with my first child in April. My best friend is hosting a baby shower for me in about a month. I am really excited except for one thing. She is insisting on inviting my husband's ex-girlfriend, who just happens to be her Sister-In-Law. I am not looking forward to the inevitable comments that will be made. All of my friends think it's funny that she is coming, and I am sure they will say something that makes us both uncomfortable. How do I handle this situation?

Yours Truly,
Expecting an Ex


Dear Expecting an Ex,

Why are you being so sensitive? There is a VERY clear and easy solution to your problems. Outside of making sure you look super hot, you need to make a very special batch of Ex-Lax brownies for the shower.
Now YOU can watch the poop hit the fan! Let the poop flinging begin!



Congratulations to BUCKMAN539!!!

And now...here's a sneak peak at our next bananatastic prize. Check back daily for our next contest:

These darling fabric blocks with sock monkey print could be yours if you win our next contest. Full details will be posted soon!


Do You Want A Monkey Chat Room?

Okay all you crazy monkeys, are you dying from chat withdrawal?

Do you want us to leave our Monkey Chat open all the time?

Can we trust people to be silly and crazy and not mean and nasty?

If someone was mean and nasty would you quickly report it to DM 1 or DM 2 Or DM 3?

Or are we bananas for even contemplating a chat room?

Post your comments and let us know.

We will leave the chat room here until we get your comments.



Help us with our Monkey Love List!


Okay Silly Monkeys! Here is a blinky for all of those 'silly nominees' to wear! Please display it proudly!

So in light of some nasty lists that we monkeys have seen around lately, we've decided to make some new lists!! Monkey Love lists! Look for a new list every few days. Please, the more who participate, the more Monkey Love we can spread! So here are the rules:
  • Tell us a name (screen name or first name) of someone who you think fits the new category!
  • Attach your name or do it anonymously, either way.
  • Don't nominate yourself. That's not monkey love, that's just self love.
  • Nominate as many people as you want.
  • If you see someone already nominated, choose someone else! We want to spread the love around to more than just a few monkeys.
If you're nominated (you can tell them you saw their name on the list if you need to), pick up your special blinky that we will give out the next day for all nominees! Remember, spread the monkey love! Oh, and have an idea for a future list? Email it to DM1!

So, for our first list? Who do you think is the silliest (as in, funny) mom on iVillage? Do you have a reason you feel that way? Give an example if you want!

Oh, and don't forget to vote in our prize poll for future prize posibilities, and to enter our current monkey mail contest (extended to Friday)!


Put your Monkey Hat on.....GIVEAWAY TIME!!

Can you give out funny advice to other Drama Mamas? Show us what you got and you might win these adorable handmade bows, from a super talented Etsy Mama! (don't have a girl? Tell your friends, or win them as a gift!) Below you will see a letter sent to us a by a reader. If you can come up with the funniest reply, you'll be our winner! You can either email us your responses or post them in the comments. If you post them in the comments please include an email address where we can reach you if you are picked as the winner! The winner will be given the email address of the Etsy seller, who will then ship you your prize! We will also publish your letter here on the blog, as the winning response and honorary monkey of the day (with corresponding blinky!) . Have fun, go bananas, and may the best Drama Mama win!

Dear Drama Monkeys,

I have a problem. I am due with my first child in April. My best friend is hosting a baby shower for me in about a month. I am really excited except for one thing. She is insisting on inviting my hudband's ex-girlfriend, who just happens to be her Sister-In-Law. I am not looking forward to the inevitable comments that will be made. All of my friends think it's funny that she is coming, and I am sure they will say something that makes us both uncomfortable. How do I handle this situation?

Yours Truly,
Expecting an Ex

Can't think of any advice today? Don't worry, this contest runs through Thursday. Check back all month for other contest opportunities! Oh, and tell your friends!

Holy monkeys, this is fun!

Yesterday's Monkey Prize!

Oh, the things that happen in a treehouse that keep a monkey blogger from posting a prize. Vetrinarian appointments and banana shopping, Oh My! The DramaMonkeys apologize for their delay with the monkey prize. So, without further ado, here's the prize! Your very own Monkey Love Blinky!

Here is the Photobucket link. DM2 cannot figure out how to get the blinky to 'blink' on here.



And The Winner Is......NUTMEAGAN27!!!!

The Monkey Love Posting Challenge was a HUGE SUCCESS.....thank you to all the mamas who participated!!

The winner is Nutmeagan27! Her post bumped all the stinky messages off the main board.

"Tell her what she's won Bob!"

Nutmeagan 27, you have won a fantabulous Monkey Drama "monkey love" blinkie. It is being created specially' for you by some sweet howler monkeys in South America as we speak. Congratulations!! Pick it up here, later today.
Please take a moment to congratulate her! In the spirit of good Monkey will, we are turning off comment moderation. Please play nice!

Didn't win? Aww that's okay, we Drama Monkeys believe that everyone is a winner, so look for a consolation prize here sometime this afternoon.

BONUS: If any of the nasty posts somehow rear their ugly heads on the main page today, please start another thread titled"GOOD MAMA DRAMA" to bump it back down to it's rightful place in the depths of message board hell, otherwise known as the '2nd page of chit chat' where we all know, no one ever looks. If you do this, please leave a comment and let us know you were a good "monkey drama citizen" and we might have something special just for you, here in the tree house.

Thanks to all who played. Look for more challenges later today!


"Monkey Love" Posting Challenge!!

Okay mama's, the Drama Monkeys have a new game for you!


Post something nice about someone else, someone who you normally WOULDN'T do a shout out to. It has to be in the chit chat section of the June 2008 Fireflies board.

The goal is to bump down any nasty drama posts.

"But Drama Monkeys don't you love drama?" You ask.

Well heck yeah we do, but not the kind that makes a good thing go bad. Drama can be fun, REALLY fun, but as of late it has gotten stinkier than a monkey house at the zoo (DM1 knows that stink all to well, just ask her about it).

The rules:

Start a post about a fellow JFF mommy. Be genuine; tell her what you like about her, or thank her for something she has taught you at some point. Or better yet, choose someone that you think gets overlooked and try to get to know them better.

The author of the thread that is responsible for bumping down the last 'stinky' post will win a fabulous prize. Trust us, you will love it.

Furthermore, as stated, we love drama, and we intend to stick around. HOWEVER, we will be focusing on drama of YOUR choosing from now on. Please send us your letters and let us know what YOU want to talk about. Got a nasty MIL who you would really love to fling poop at? Let us know! Want to come up with a creative solution to some everyday drama. i,e, got a co-worker with stinky breath and you don't know what to do? Ask us! We're here to help.

We will also be filling the tree house with weekly games, polls, prizes, and other monkeytastic things.

Let The Posting Begin! Do us proud and get those hallmark worthy posts a flowin' ladies!

In other news...

Sometimes Monkeys just like weird stuff too!

AP Jan 25th

Among the best-selling and most controversial toys of this past holiday season were the $39.95 Mattel "Gotta Go" Doll and the $59.95 Hasbro Baby Alive, both because of their interactive features, especially their digestion/excretion functions. The latter doll comes with its own food ("green beans," "bananas") and a warning ("May stain some surfaces"). The Gotta Go includes a toilet and brings the flushing process to life for the child. An industry insider told the Washington Post that next season's toys would be even more realistic. [Washington Post, 12-22-08]

What we love about these toys:

-The fact that bananas are the included 'poopable' food

-That your monklet will view flushing the toilet as a game and will soon be 'literally' flushing your money down the porcelain goddess for fun.

What we don't like:

-What no poop flinging option?